For more information about the implementation of evidence-based practices, case management, and other topics of interest, download our reports and guides.

Products & Services Guide

A guide to our solutions for justice system and behavioral health professionals.

13 Questions to Ask Community Corrections Leaders

This fillable guide is designed to provide stakeholders with questions to ask community corrections leaders about evidence-based practice implementation.

Building and Sustaining an EBP Organization (Checklist & Worksheet)

A free resource to help organizations identify what to do in order to make further progress on building and sustaining their evidence-based framework.

10 Tips for Effective Interactions with Probation Clients

Our ten step tip guide will give you helpful insights on how to improve interactions with probation and parole clients. 

Carey Group Overview (Flyer)

Interested in what solutions the Carey Group has to offer? Download our flyer for a quick breakdown of the products and services we offer to criminal justice and behavioral health organizations.

Tools on Devices (TOD) Overview

Download our two-page overview of Tools on Devices— our powerful online platform that allows users to complete electronic, fillable versions of our well-renowned tools (Carey Guides, BITS, and Driver Workbook) on various personal devices.

4:1 Behavior Management System® Overview

Download our two-page overview of the 4:1 Behavior Management System®, Carey Group's web-based software that assists justice system agencies with responding to client behaviors in a manner that motivates change. 

Supervisor’s EBP BriefCASE Overview

Download our two-page overview of the Supervisor's EBP BriefCASE series, an evidence-based practices booster curriculum for staff.

The Carey Guides Overview

Download our two-page overview of the Carey Guides, a collection of cognitive behavioral tools and worksheets to support positive change in clients involved in the justice system.

Brief Interventions Tools Overview

Learn more about our Brief Intervention Tools, a collection of structured cognitive behavioral worksheets created to help professionals quickly and effectively address key skill deficits. 

Strategies for Justice System Organizational Change

Download our free resource for justice system leaders who are looking to drive organizational change. Key tips and strategies included in this two-page guide. 

Carey Group Customer Success Spotlight

Discover more about Carey Group from justice system leaders who utilize Carey Group tools and services. Read testimonials and learn from others in this short guide. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-Assessment Checklist

Assess your agency's cognitive behavioral therapy work with this fillable, self-assessment checklist intended for professionals who work with at-risk or vulnerable populations. 

Tools on Devices (TOD) Practical Use Guide

Discover the power of a cognitive behavioral tools platform with the free Tools on Devices Practical Use Guide, designed to help justice professionals navigate and maximize the Tools on Devices (TOD) platform.

Want to learn more about our products and evidence-based consulting services?