Effective Risk Reduction Tools: Insights on Carey Group’s TOD

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Integrating evidence-based risk reduction tools within the justice system is paramount to ensuring efficacy and efficiency in addressing criminogenic needs. Carey Group's Tools on Devices (TOD) is a standout web-based application, embedding proven methodologies such as the Risk-Need-Responsivity model and cognitive-behavioral intervention tools within its framework. 

TOD empowers justice system professionals by providing access to rigorously tested methodologies that enhance the ability to reduce recidivism and facilitate meaningful behavioral change among justice-involved individuals. Through its innovative approach, TOD streamlines case management, offering a user-friendly interface that strengthens the capacity of justice professionals to foster safer communities and support rehabilitation efforts. 

This blog explores how TOD's evidence-based practices streamline case management and support justice professionals in their mission to create safer communities and support those they work with, inspired by recent testimonials and insights gleaned from Carey Group's recent customer success surveys. 

Tools on Devices: A Brief Overview 

TOD empowers justice system professionals and their clients with Carey Group's suite of cognitive behavioral tools. It enables staff to electronically assign and manage fillable versions of Carey Guide tools, BITS, and the Driver Workbook. However, the tools alone are just the starting point. Real progress is made through the discussions that occur after these tools are completed, when skill practice is initiated, and when behavior change is achieved. TOD facilitates these initial steps, but it is the meaningful conversations and practical application that truly drive positive outcomes.  

TOD facilitates effective case management with features such as instant feedback, encouragement, notifications, the Tool Navigator for identifying beneficial tools, and the Dosage Meter, which tracks the amount of dosage, or programming, people receive when completing Carey Group tools or other activities. 

"My community corrections agency supervises individuals involved in the justice system. We utilize the Carey Group products as intervention tools to reduce recidivism, change individuals' thinking, and enhance skill-building techniques. I usually start my clients with Your Guide to Success [Carey Guide's] to help introduce them to their thoughts and behavior patterns and assist them in choosing which areas of their life they want to work on. These tools give my clients the accountability and autonomy to take control of their harmful thoughts and behaviors." - Probation Officer, Community Corrections Agency 

How TOD Integrates Evidence-Based Practices to Address Risk Reduction 

One of the foundational theories underlying TOD is the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model. Policy Research Associates states, “RNR is derived from decades of research demonstrating that the best outcomes are achieved in the criminal justice system when (1) the intensity of criminal justice supervision is matched to participants’ risk for criminal recidivism or likelihood of failure in rehabilitation (criminogenic risk) and (2) interventions focus on the specific disorders or conditions that are responsible for participants’ crimes (criminogenic needs).” 

Cognitive-behavioral interventions (CBI) are another critical component integrated into TOD. CBIs assist individuals in identifying situations that provoke undesired behaviors and manage the thoughts and emotions that lead to these behaviors. This method is typically employed to aid in the management of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other mental health challenges. But is effective in addressing all the criminogenic needs, especially antisocial cognition and antisocial personality. 

The Council of State Government states that "the principles of CBI have been successfully adapted for use with people involved in the criminal justice system, specifically to help them understand and change their criminal thinking patterns." 

These evidence-based practices are embedded in the design of TOD, allowing for a structured approach to modifying behavior. The benefits of these interventions are manifold, as illustrated through the experience of a Director of Reentry Operations at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections: 

"I immediately saw its potential for my division of specialized agents. I believed it could significantly reduce barriers for reentrants. We constantly had to navigate around issues like transportation, childcare, employment schedules, and education to schedule meetings with the reentrants. 

On February 11, 2020, our staff began using the TOD system. After some initial questions and staff getting accustomed to the system, we never looked back. When the world shut down in March 2020 due to COVID, the timing of implementing TOD couldn't have been better. Thanks to TOD, we didn't have to change or cancel any work with high-risk reentrants.  

To date, we continue to use TOD, which has proven to reduce the barriers our reentrants faced when expected to come to the office. Over the years, with an average staff of 19 agents, we have completed 16,710 tools using TOD." - M. Repsher, Director of Reentry Operations at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections 

TOD facilitates real-time communication to bridge gaps in care, such as geographical barriers, scheduling conflicts, and, in Repsher's case, the COVID-19 pandemic. By leveraging advanced risk reduction tools like TOD, case management processes are streamlined, allowing justice professionals to focus more on client skill development and less on administrative burdens. 

TOD provides a comprehensive platform where assignments are managed electronically and communication is enhanced. This efficiency improves staff workflow while ensuring clients receive the timely and consistent support they deserve. 

A Risk Reduction Tool Focused on User Experience and Accessibility 

The design and functionality of Carey Group's TOD are crafted with a clear focus on enhancing user experience and accessibility. The embedded risk reduction tools are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that justice professionals and clients can easily navigate and utilize them. 

Whether they are at home or on the go, clients have the flexibility to work on their assignments at their own pace. The fillable forms, accessible from any smartphone, tablet, or personal computer, streamline assignment completion and submission. This accessibility is crucial in reducing barriers that traditionally impede client participation, such as lack of transportation or conflicting schedules, ultimately improving engagement with the interventions used. 

The system's comprehensive dashboard provides a clear overview of each client's progress, allowing justice professionals to track assignments, send reminders, and provide timely feedback. This enhanced visibility and control contributes to better decision-making and more effective client interactions. 

Justice professionals can confidently rely on TOD to support their work, knowing they are using evidence-based risk reduction tools that drive positive outcomes. 

"The user-friendly TOD opens up our ability to connect with our clients when we are unable to meet in person. TOD gives the clients time to think on their own and practice their skills outside of our meetings. My clients are quick to remind me and request more worksheets when we finish a tool together. I'm all for loading up my toolbox with interventions that fit a wide range of clients' needs and abilities," Probation Officer, Community Corrections Agency 

Moreover, one of the RNR foundational principles, respect for the person and the normative context, is integral to the design and delivery of TOD. It ensures that all interactions and interventions uphold the dignity of every person interacting with the risk reduction tool. 

TOD's Impact on Recidivism and Community Safety 

Research demonstrates that cognitive-behavioral programs that incorporate skills practice are most effective in decreasing future criminal behavior. They can potentially lower recidivism rates among adults and youth by up to 26 percent because they enhance people's understanding of their thought processes. CBT theorists suggest that this increased cognitive self-awareness enables individuals to develop strategies to avoid unwanted behaviors and make more informed choices moving forward. 

By providing clients with consistent access to evidence-based cognitive-behavioral interventions, TOD helps address the root causes of unlawful behavior, leading to more profound and lasting changes. TOD’s structured assignments and continuous feedback loops empower clients to internalize lessons and apply them in their daily lives. This, in turn, contributes to safer communities as individuals are less likely to break the law again. 

Carey Group's TOD: A Transformative, Scalable Risk Reduction Tool 

TOD's potential for scaling across different jurisdictions makes it an invaluable asset for the justice system. The flexibility and accessibility of these risk reduction tools mean they can be implemented in various settings, from urban correctional facilities to rural probation offices. 

This scalability ensures that more people can benefit from the tools, regardless of location or circumstance. By addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and promoting sustained engagement, TOD contributes to safer communities and more consistent outcomes across the justice system. 

Carey Group’s evidence-based online training and consulting services address the needs of the justice system and behavioral health professionals. Training is an essential tool for keeping staff, supervisors, leadership, and stakeholders up to date with emerging knowledge and expectations for improved outcomes. Working closely with Carey Group professionals, agencies are better able to offer a mixture of in-person, online, and self-directed courses on evidence-based practices, motivational interviewing, core professional competencies, case planning and management, continuous quality improvement, coaching, and the use of behavior-change tools and supervisor resources. Talk to a Carey Group consultant today, to get started!